We had two visitors in our kitchen, joined as one. They flew about at a fierce pace – the ultimate in speed dating. They lit on a hanging pan just long enough for me to snap a photo.
Hiking Rattlesnake Creek
On a warm summer day in my home town I took my son-in-law PJ to favorite place, Rattlesnake Creek, one of the many canyons in the front side of the Santa Ynez mountains. I have walked this creek many times,
Safari to the Carisa Plain
A few weekends back I had the unique pleasure of taking a hike with my son Luke, son-in-law PJ and nephew-in-law Todd. I did a lot of hiking around California in my youth and have been looking forward to doing
Big Sur Safari
It has been a few months since I gave a safari report. It is not that I have not had any in that time. It is more that I have been too busy with my new business and my safaris
Safety Second!
When it comes to vehicular safety, be careful what you wish for.
Green Visitor
This delightful creature lives on a bush just outside my home office. I just happened to notice it while passing by on a recent sunny day. It is about 5 inches long.
I have returned home. I have uploaded some more pictures. I have a lot of catching up to do at home so more narrative will have to wait. The pictures have captions. http://picasaweb.google.com/rwbrown900/OnTheWayToWork http://picasaweb.google.com/rwbrown900/AroundMyHotel http://picasaweb.google.com/rwbrown900/Buildings http://picasaweb.google.com/rwbrown900/Miscellaneous Thanks for following my
Bannerghatta National Park
Here are a few pictures from my weekend safari. The Park is a zoo with many creatures in cages, lots of monkies running free, lots of people and some “wild” animals in forested paddocks that you can tour in rickety
Not so good Monkey Movie
This is all the video I have from my encounter with a troupe of monkeys in the coffee plantation in Chikmangalur. As they appeared high in the trees above us, my camera battery died. I squeezed a little bit of
More pics from India