We had two visitors in our kitchen, joined as one. They flew about at a fierce pace – the ultimate in speed dating. They lit on a hanging pan just long enough for me to snap a photo.
Hiking Rattlesnake Creek
On a warm summer day in my home town I took my son-in-law PJ to favorite place, Rattlesnake Creek, one of the many canyons in the front side of the Santa Ynez mountains. I have walked this creek many times,
Safari to the Carisa Plain
A few weekends back I had the unique pleasure of taking a hike with my son Luke, son-in-law PJ and nephew-in-law Todd. I did a lot of hiking around California in my youth and have been looking forward to doing
Green Visitor
This delightful creature lives on a bush just outside my home office. I just happened to notice it while passing by on a recent sunny day. It is about 5 inches long.